Teocaltiche Community Demands Justice in CDMX March

On March 3, 2025, the 'Frente Teocaltiche por Nuestra Gente' will march in Mexico City to demand justice for the murder of four local police officers and the search for four missing agents. They seek federal intervention against organized crime and raise voices against illegal detentions and violence.

Teocaltiche Community Demands Justice in CDMX March

On Monday, March 3, 2025, the "Teocaltiche Front for Our People" plans to hold a march in Mexico City to demand justice for the murder of four municipal police officers and the search for four other agents who remain missing. This demonstration is organized to highlight the need for resolving the crimes and the intervention of federal authorities to combat the violent acts of organized crime.

In a statement, the "Teocaltiche Front for Our People" expressed its outrage and demands, pointing out the necessity of building a National Guard barracks to protect the community of Teocaltiche from the rising violence caused by crime. Additionally, they requested dialogue with various authorities, including the president of Mexico, the Attorney General of the Republic, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of National Defense, the Secretary of Citizen Security, and all members of the Security Cabinet.

The actions scheduled by the movement for the day of the march include several phases, such as the arrival of the protesters at the Secretary of the Interior, a press conference, dialogue meetings with authorities, a march towards the National Palace, and a blockade in front of the offices of the National Human Rights Commission to denounce abuses and violations of human rights. A religious ceremony is also planned in honor of the deceased and missing police officers.

The "Teocaltiche Front for Our People" informed in a statement that there will be closures and blockades on several streets of Mexico City on the day of the demonstration, as part of their fight for justice and the clarification of the crimes committed in Teocaltiche, Jalisco.